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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

50 Parenting Ideas You Won't Regret

  1. Tuck Love Notes in their lunchbox, dresser drawers and unexpected places.
  2. Tell them why you love them
  3. Worship together
  4. Be affectionate
  5. Plan a purity weekend with your tween/teen
  6. Ask them questions
  7. Ask then to grade you as a parent
  8. Break your own rules (eating in bed, playing in the mud, etc).
  9. Give them a Bible you’ve read and written notes in (next to meaningful Scripture) especially for them
  10. Go on special dates with your child(ren)
  11. Go on a family missions trip together
  12. Memorize scripture together
  13. Be intentional with holidays-bring Christ in
  14. Engage every day: connect with them on a deeper level
  15. Help them live counter-cultural
  16. Serve with your children
  17. Listen: stop what you’re doing and really listen
  18. Don’t always rush to fix their problems
  19. Be consistent (A doesn’t happen until B-parenting book)
  20. Have regular family nights
  21. Make activities matter (Don’t just fill time. Ask: why are we doing this? How does it benefit?)
  22. Spend time doing something they love -music, running, games, drawing, etc
  23. Write a Family Missions Statement together
  24. Create Family Rules for your home
  25. Look for teachable moments
  26. Read to them (100 books to read to them)
  27. Limit media (TV/video games) to a certain amount of time a day/week
  28. Love your spouse in front of them
  29. Pick your battles
  30. Teach them to be strong
  31. Create family traditions (10 new ones to start today)
  32. Teach them to pray
  33. Show them what true success looks like
  34. Ask your kids for forgiveness when you fail
  35. Stand up for them
  36. Don’t over-schedule your kids
  37. Give them down time
  38. Pray for your kids- Let them overhear you doing so
  39. Keep the TV out of their bedroom
  40. Say yes as often as you can
  41. Give them the opportunity to change a life
  42. Use Conversation Starters at dinner
  43. Create with them
  44. Give them chores (age appropriate list)
  45. Challenge them to read their Bible and reward them for doing so
  46. Catch them being good
  47. Reward kindness
  48. Have fun with them!
  49. Write in a family gratitude journal
  50. Conduct regular family meetings
  51. If you don’t accomplish any of these in a day, don’t be discouraged! Above all they need you to be there.
Article from We Are That Family Blog  
Reposted from 

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